Remote Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday Evening, November 21st--5:00-8:00pm
Friday Afternoon, November 22nd--1:00-3:OOpm
November 2024 Parent Teacher Conferences
On Thursday evening, November 21st from 5-8pm and on Friday, November 22nd from 1-3pm Eagle Bronx is hosting virtual Parent Teacher Conferences. In accordance with NYCPS policy, all parent-teacher conferences will be conducted virtually. We will use Google Meet for parents to schedule 15-minute appointments. The links for Parent Teacher Conferences are below. If you have questions or need assistance, email
5:00-5:15pm, Thursday November 21st: Check-In for Parents/Guardians (hosted by the Eagle Admin Team & Guidance Team):
To join the video meeting, click this link: Join Parent Check In Meeting with Eagle Admin Team (5:00-5:15pm)
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 314-474-3387 and enter this PIN: 585 953 950#
To view more phone numbers, click this link:
Grade Team PTC Links (for meetings with two or more teachers on a Grade Team)
6th Grade Team (Mr. Dupuy, Ms. Fullwood, Mr. One, Ms. Otero, Mr. Touray): 6th Grade Team Appointment Link
7th Grade Team (Ms. Garcia, Ms. Lewis & Mr. Miller): 7th Grade Team PTC Link to schedule appointments
8th Grade Team For Thursday only (Ms. Forte, Ms. Darby, Ms. Maronie): 8th Grade Team PTC Link (Thursday only)
8th Grade Team For Friday only (Ms. Forte, Ms. Darby): 8th Grade Team PTC Link for Friday only
9th Grade Team (Ms. Branch [Social Studies] & Mr. Payton [ELA] only: Ms. Branch & Mr. Payton's PTC Appointment Link
Physical Education (PE) Department PTC Links:
Coach Byers (Coach Rose), Coach Khoury, & Coach Leonard:
For Thursday Evening (11/21): Schedule appointments with PE Teachers PTC Link (Thursday only)
For Friday Afternoon (11/22): Schedule appointments with PE Teachers PTC Link (Friday only)
Links to Book Individual Parent Teacher Conference Appointments with School Counselors and/or Social Worker:
Mr. Garcia (Middle School Counselor): Schedule Appointments with Mr. Garcia
Ms. Miller (10th & 11th gr. Counselor): Schedule Appointments with Ms. Miller
Ms. Polonia (9th & 12th gr. Counselor): Schedule Appointments with Ms. Polonia for Thursday only
Schedule Appointments with Ms. Polonia for Friday
Ms. Olken-Dann, Social Worker : PTC Elena Olken-Dann, School Social Worker
Links to Schedule Individual Conference Appointments with Teachers:
Ms. Austin Schedule Appointments with Ms. Austin, English Language Learner Teacher
Ms. Branch Schedule Appointments with Ms. Branch & Mr. Payton
Mr. Camara Schedule Appointments with Mr. Camara, Art Teacher
Ms. Correa Schedule Appointments with Ms. Correa, English Teacher
Mr. Cumberbatch Schedule Appointments with Mr. Cumberbatch, Future Ready Teacher
Mr. Curtis Schedule Appointments with Mr. Curtis, English Teacher
Ms. Delarosa. Schedule Appointments with Ms. Delarosa, Spanish Language Teacher
Ms. Fuller Schedule Appointments with Ms. Fuller, Special Education Teacher
Ms. Hendy Schedule Appointments with Ms. Hendy, Science Teacher
Mr. Hernandez Schedule Appointments with Mr. Hernandez, Social Studies Teacher
Ms. Joseph Schedule Appointments with Ms. Joseph, Special Education Teacher
Ms. Knight Schedule Appointments with Ms. Knight, Special Education Teacher
Ms. Maronie Schedule Appointments for AP Biology with Ms. Maronie, Science Teacher (Friday Only!)
Mr. McGarry Schedule Appointments with Mr. McGarry, Social Studies Teacher
Ms. McGraw Schedule Appointments with Ms. McGraw, Math Teacher
Mr. Mercer
Ms. Muñoz Schedule Appointments with Ms. Muñoz, Special Education Teacher
Mr. Obaro Schedule Appointments with Mr. Obaro, Math Teacher
Mr. Owens Schedule Appointments with Mr. Owens, Special Education Teacher
Mr. Payton Schedule Appointments with Mr. Payton & Ms. Branch
Ms. Perdomo Schedule Appointments with Ms. Perdomo, Science Teacher
Mr. Sloane Schedule Appointments with Mr. Sloane, Special Education Teacher
Ms. Smith Schedule Appointments with Ms. Smith, Special Education Teacher
Mr. Wojogbe Schedule Appointments with Mr. Wojogbe, Math Teacher